Storyteller: A Tanith Lee Tribute Anthology Open Submissions
We will be running two open calls in July for our upcoming Storyteller: A Tanith Lee Tribute Anthology to fill eight short story slots. More details will be forthcoming in mid-June. Some details, however, are already available:
We’re interested in work by authors influenced and inspired by Tanith Lee. We are definitely not looking for fiction ‘in the style of.’ One of the unique aspects of Tanith’s legacy is the breadth of genres she influenced. We’ll be asking all those interested in submitting to include a statement on their connection to the work of Tanith that will potentially be included in the book.
Call #1
July 16-22
Limited Demographic: For historically marginalized groups, including but not limited to sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity & expression, and physical ability.
Call #2
July 23-29
Open to all.
General Submissions
We are currently not open for general submissions. Feel free to drop us a line if you have an interesting project you want us to consider.